Honestly. Let’s agree that Instagram is the number one app for free time today, right? The content is not too deep, does not require much mental work, is easy to use, and has more visual appeal, right?
This is absolutely perfect if you want to wander aimlessly on the internet, and for this very reason it is the perfect place for entrepreneurs, influencers, and global brands to showcase their products, and visitors to this app receive anything!
While the app is easy to use, it is not easy for anyone who wants to promote, sell, or work as an influencer! They have to go through a long period of trying to provide attractive content.
Whether you have a business, want to become an influencer, or are already an influencer and want to develop content, the most important thing you need is the tools to publish successful content on Instagram.
If you want your content to be successful on Instagram, you need to keep these three words in mind (engagement, continuity, and creativity), and in order to achieve these three words, you need to make sure that you plan your Instagram content monthly.
A monthly plan can help you organize your thoughts, identify upcoming events and occasions, and develop creative and appropriate posts for them.
A monthly plan goes a long way towards achieving continuity of posting, and without it, you can fall into the trap of not posting for a few days and ignoring your account, which leads to followers leaving.
Tips for Successful Instagram Content: Create a state of anticipation
If you are going to give away a gift, provide good and special content, or cover an event, that is, if you are going to show this type of new content, you need to create a state of anticipation and excitement among your followers, so that the event receives the necessary attention.
For example; if you own a small online clothing business and you decide to give your followers a gift from your new collection. You need to create a state of anticipation for this event.
This state can be created by posting something like, “Giveaway coming for followers. Guess what?” or “Follow us for a free giveaway.” These types of posts create a desire to look forward, wait, and continue.
According to Statista, more than 400 million Instagram users come to watch the Daily Story every day! This intense interest in Daily Stories is your way to successful and engaging content for your followers.
Questions are one of the most important weapons in a Daily Story, as they grab the attention of your followers and make them feel that you want to know their opinion and push them to engage. Questions can be added to the “Daily Story” by clicking on the smiley face sheet at the top of the page, then clicking on the “Questions” tab.
You can then add the desired question within 80 characters or three lines. After we know how to add questions, it is a very easy method, the most important question remains. What type of questions should I add?
These questions should be appropriate for the type of activity, service or product you offer. For example, if you have an account that promotes a carpentry workshop. We can ask the following questions:
What is your favorite type of furniture? Or “What is your dream home” or something like that. These questions are how you get successful content and get a large number of followers.
You can also add a survey paragraph to your daily story, and continuing the previous example, you can add two photos, one in a warm color and the other in a darker color, and the question is what color do you prefer in your home?
Continuing to publish this type of stories will give you double interest in your content and make your followers feel that you care about their opinions.
Whether you have a large, small or medium number of followers, you should pay close attention to what they share, especially if it is relevant to you in some way, whether it is the answer to one of your questions, or the trend when sharing photos in, you should share your followers’ posts.
There are several ways to share your followers’ content. The first is in daily stories, such as sharing a photo with your pet and asking your followers to share a photo of them with their pet in their strangest habit.
In the previous example, you should not only enjoy the number of posts you have, but you should also share and comment on them with interest!
Another way is through a post on your personal page in the application, if you run a competition, such as a general knowledge competition, collect the names of the accounts that gave the correct answer and say a word to them, it will definitely interest them.
It will also prompt you to publish the posts that refer to it.