To make a sponsored ad on Marketplace, you must go to the sponsored ads page in the store and fill out the form there. You must enter your email address, the email address you wish to write to, and specify the duration of the advertisement and the amount for which you want the advertisement. Next, you can enter the ad details, such as the title, description, and main image. To ensure that advertising is appropriate for Marketplace, you must follow the terms and conditions relating to advertising in the store. You can also choose from a range of categories available to advertise on Marketplace, such as cars, real estate, shopping, and more. You should choose the category that your ad fits best into. After filling out the form and sending the advertisement, you must wait for approval from Marketplace. Upon approval, the advertisement is published in the store. Among the marketing companies in Riyadh, Wamad Marketing Company, which is made up of specialists in the field of marketing and digital marketing, provides a set of integrated solutions for entrepreneurs and companies of various categories to provide the necessary support to achieve goals efficiently and effectively from establishing, planning and managing activities. Necessary for different departments within the company.
There are many options available to modify sponsored ads in Market Place, such as specifying target groups, modifying the advertising budget, and modifying the display time period. On Marketplace, you can create sponsored ads to showcase your products or services to people who might be interested in them. Wamid Company, one of the most important marketing companies in Saudi Arabia, seeks to gain the trust of its customers every time and with the provision of any service.
Among the content writing companies, Wadam Company provides distinguished technical support and a highly qualified staff.