How to Design a Professional Promotional Video
Creating a promotional video is one of the best ways to attract website visitors.
Visitors can learn about your company, the nature of your business, the type of your business
and how you can benefit from your company’s services and products through promotional videos.
Since the human attention span usually does not exceed 8 seconds, you have a few seconds to attract visitors’ attention to your brand and convey your marketing message in seconds.
Of course, no matter how good the text content is, it is difficult to do this, and nothing attracts the visitor’s attention more than visual content.
One of the best marketing methods is to create promotional videos to increase your website’s conversion rate and convince your visitors to take an action,
such as completing a purchase or registering on a website, etc. Dropbox gets a 10% conversion rate by creating distinctive promotional videos.
Facebook is also currently focusing on making it easy to upload and publish videos, all of which confirm that companies and projects with a digital presence on the social media platform
need to invest in producing marketing videos for all their products and services.
In this article, we will review how to make an effective promotional video, and mention the types of videos used in marketing,
and steps to make videos to promote your products and promote your brand.
There are some things you should be aware of when creating a promotional video, the most important of which are:
The video should be short: The human attention span today is very short, only a few seconds.
The video should be entertaining: Don’t expect people to watch the video if it is boring.
Convey the marketing message from the beginning: Not many people watch videos until the end, so you need to make sure to put your brand and important marketing messages in the first few seconds of the video when creating the promotional video.
Call to action: Videos should include a phrase that urges the user to take action, for example, when creating a video on YouTube, you should always ask viewers to subscribe to your channel and activate the bell button, but if you are creating a video to promote a website or online store, the video should also clearly include the website or store address and its social media accounts.
With the spread of visual content, different types of promotional videos have emerged on the web, including:
Animation: Animated videos are fun and great for communicating your message clearly and in an entertaining way.
WhiteboardThis type of video is realistic and educational, where a person shows up explaining certain information on a whiteboard.
Graphic video: This type of video helps present data, numbers and statistics in an easy-to-understand way, even for non-specialists.
User reviews: In this type of video, users record their thoughts about a product or service
First, you must choose the right tone, and the accent here refers to the tone and way the video is presented, which varies depending on the target audience.
For example, in a business-to-business (B2B) video, the promotional video must be serious and supported by numbers and statistics to build trust between you and your customers.
What about the video? In advertisements directed at ordinary consumers, the tone must be stimulating and entertaining to gain the love of customers.
The next step is to create a video script that will achieve the intended purpose of the video and suit the target audience. Promotional videos should include a few lines to introduce the company’s identity, brand or location, and story.
The video then begins to interactively review the specific problem the visitor is facing, giving an example of how they feel
such as an illustration of a person or company facing this problem.
You should also introduce a product or service the company offers that can help them solve this problem, followed by a call to action from the viewer,
such as registering on the site, purchasing a product, or subscribing to a YouTube channel. After writing the script and choosing the accent, you need to review the scene in your mind and then design it with the appropriate application,
One of the most important applications that you can use to create videos is:
Make Web Video
In this short article, we review the most important steps to make a promotional video for your startup, creating a video requires an investment of time and many skills and knowledge,
such as script writing experience, design skills, working with video editing tools as well, etc.
One of the best solutions if you do not have time to learn them all for companies and projects, large or small, is using Video Design Expert,
Then always remember that the main criterion for a successful promotional video is the audience’s reaction and how they interact with it, so you should monitor the metrics of the video you publish,
such as views, shares and comments.